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Make a special gift and give away a voucher for a yoga course. See the different options below. However, individual arrangements are possible at any time. / Mache ein besonderes Geschenk und verschenke einen Gutschein für einen Yogakurs. Sieh dir unten die verschiedenen Möglichkeiten an. Individuelle Absprachen sind jederzeit möglich.

Option #1

private 1:1 session

30 / 60 minutes

Online $30 / $50 (30€ / 50€)

At your home $40 / $70

Yoga studio in Tuscaloosa

I charge $1 per minute plus the rent the studio charges

Option #2

Group session

Yoga studio in Tuscaloosa


Up to 2 participants $100

from the third participant onwards, $10 per participant will be added.

Plus the rent the studio charges.

Option #3

Business sessions

Give your employees a yoga class as a gift.

$200 / hour

If you want to have a yoga class at a studio instead of your business, the rent for the studio will be added to the price.

Book your voucher!

To book, write me an email. Add the option in the subject line so that I know which option to issue the voucher for.

Also add whether you would like to receive the voucher digitally or by post. When shipping, postage costs are added to the price.

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Silke Steg Yoga

5484 Park Ave, Tuscaloosa, Al, 35406


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