Make a special gift and give away a voucher for a yoga course. See the different options below. However, individual arrangements are possible at any time. / Mache ein besonderes Geschenk und verschenke einen Gutschein für einen Yogakurs. Sieh dir unten die verschiedenen Möglichkeiten an. Individuelle Absprachen sind jederzeit möglich.
Option #1
private 1:1 session
30 / 60 minutes
Online $30 / $50 (30€ / 50€)
At your home $40 / $70
Yoga studio in Tuscaloosa
I charge $1 per minute plus the rent the studio charges
Option #2
Group session
Yoga studio in Tuscaloosa
Up to 2 participants $100
from the third participant onwards, $10 per participant will be added.
Plus the rent the studio charges.
Option #3
Business sessions
Give your employees a yoga class as a gift.
$200 / hour
If you want to have a yoga class at a studio instead of your business, the rent for the studio will be added to the price.